Based on 621 reviews
View Sport Standard - Cycling Glasses with Mirror
Chris from the Deep South (New York, US)
TriEye Glasses for Road Cyclists

These sport glasses allow a wide field of sight ahead and periferally.
They incorporate a well-positioned mirror feature that allows ample rearward vision for checking traffic approaching from behind.

View Sport Photochromatic - Cycling Glasses with Mirror
vincent Deslauriers (Vancouver, CA)
Better than what I thought.

I have been using a mirror on my sunglasses for about 10 years and thinking that it has been one of the best decision I have done for me security. I had a good system but TriEye appears to be better than just good, it is excellent so far.

Very Good Cycling Glasses

They take a little getting used to but very good once correctly adjusted so you can see behind you while up on the handlebars, down on the hangers or on the Aero Bars. Seems I have to readjust them every time before I wear them if I put them in their pouch, pull the string and place in its case. I'll try not pulling the pouch strings see if it helps so I don't have to stop to readjust. Wish I had gotten the photochromic lenses instead of the dark since sometimes if there's not enough light it makes it hard to see my Bryton computer which I have set for light changes and does so immediately. Otherwise a great invention which allows me to check traffic well behind me without having to turn. I think if had gotten the photochromic lenses I would be totally happy with my Trieye glasses.

TriEye light frame (TR90)
EMS (Taichung, TW)
Very Worthwhile Purchase

Can't hardly ride without them. Takes all the guesswork out of knowing where the traffic is behind you.

A learning curve. After that good

Extra Nosepad for TriEye View Models
Otis Sangster (Port Saint Lucie, US)
Always On

I feel more comfortable riding with the TriEye glasses than without them.

Good riding glasses

Did take a few rides to get adjusted correctly but now they are a great pair of glasses to help with approaching traffic.

I bought the dual mirrored glasses for cycling (as opposed to rowing) because I have a disability with my left eye which makes looking to the left while focusing quite difficult. To my surprise I can use the left mirror. Having the right mirror to do a quick check too gives me peace of mind that the lane to my left is clear. I have tried many mirror configurations (helmet, attachment to glasses, wrist and handlebars) that have all failed. I will be wearing these every time I am on the road

Amazing can not go back to regular sunglasses

When I watched the review of this product, I was hesitant to get it because I thought it was a gimmick. So, to be honest, when it was on sale, I took a gamble and ordered it. Boy, was I wrong about this product? Now, I love it and use it for every ride. It will take a little time to get used to it because the first thing you want to do is turn your head around instead of slightly turning your head.

I love it

Interesting Product

You have to get used to it. The jury is still out, but they are pushing for this review.

Whats behind me

Riding has been a big part of my life. Looking backwards to cross streets or see where you buddy is has always been unsafe. Well these glasses work great and I'm so very happy that I have them. You will not be sorry

View Sport Revo Max - Cycling Glasses with Mirror
Matthew Prince (Santa Rosa, US)
Good Concept

Good concept and does provide a reasonable reference for rear view. Took a lot of tweaking to find the sweet spot. Very well made and quality lenses. I like the ventilation as a design feature too. The mirror does diminish the overall field of view, which is slightly disorienting. I'll definitely wear these when cars present a concern.

Good safety addition

Pretty useful rear vision once you get used to it. Happy with purchase

A must have for rowers

Takes a little getting used to versus a visor clipped mirror, but this makes bowing and singling SO much easier to see what's ahead. Whether practicing on a busy body of water or chasing down that next boat in a head race, this thing's got your back.

Great view with Trieye

Even though the mirror of the Trieye is smaller than the rear view mirror I was using attached to my helmet, the visual field is more clear and bigger than what I had before. It has not been difficult at all to get used to. I feel very safe and confident in seeing what is going on behind me. Very much worth the cost and I recommend them wholeheartedly.

Lens Clear - View Sport
Blake Wright (Riverton, US)
Great view with the Trieye

Even though the mirror of the Triview is smaller than the rear view mirror I was using attached to my helmet, the visual field is more clear and bigger than what I had before. It has not been difficult at all to get used to. I feel very safe and confident in seeing what is going on behind me. Very much worth the cost and I recommend them wholeheartedly.

Love it!

The photo chromatic function works great when going from sunny road to shady trail. The rear view mirror is much like the the door mirror on a car...a slight movement's up the right and voila, you can see what you need behind you. Love it!

View Sport Photochromatic - Cycling Glasses with Mirror
Jonathan Lock (New Smyrna Beach, US)
Great visibility with prescription insert

Visibility with prescription insert is fantastic. Photochromatic lense is very functional. Stylish glasses. Used to have large rear view mirror attached to helmet. Grieve is more ergonomic it taking a little while to get used to reduced field
Of view and proper mirror adjustment. Feel I will get this right on next ride. Coupled with my Garmin Varia radar backlight feel very safe

Happy Happy Happy

Although I have a radar to alert me of traffic coming up behind me, it doesn’t tell me what or how many.
With TriEye, I can see what, who and how many. I love the ability to clearly see what is coming behind me or what has happened behind me. These glasses are nice looking and the integrated mirror makes me feel more confident with additional traction the trail/road.

Husband Is Pleased

I bought these for my husband for Christmas. He seemed skeptical at first but after watching the instructional video said they seem pretty cool. He won't get a chance to use them until spring but they will give me a little more peace of mind for his safety.


I have ridden with a mirror on my helmet for years, but my wife didn't like the look, so she never switched. I gave her a pair of TrEyes for Christmas, and after some adjustments, they're now her regular riding glasses. I also bought a pair for myself, and they're better than I expected, given the smaller field of view. I also have switched over to using these regularly, and feel that we're safer together.


Best purchase of cycling glasses I've ever made.

View Sport Standard - Cycling Glasses with Mirror
Steve Weirauch (Kansas City, US)
So far we love these.

We got our TriEyes for Christmas and finally got to give them a test. So far we love them. The quality of the lenses and mirror are excellent. Thinks are much clearer and brighter. We adapted to the checking the mirrors quickly and it wasn't difficult. One comment from my husband is that he might like a mirror on both sides for those situations where he needs to see behind him on the right.

Second Pair

This is my second pair of Tri-Eyes. My first pair broke in a crash I was in, much to my dismay. I consider these an essential part of my cycling setup. I highly recommend springing for the photochromatic lens. Really nice to have when you start a ride while its still dark out and end it in full sunshine.

Good once you get used to them

Takes a bit of getting used to as you have to tilt your head back in a way that feels unnatural to me on a drop handlebar bike. By the third ride I found them easier to use particularly when I got up on hoods -- still kind of difficult on the drops. Was wondering if it were possible to put the mirror in the upper left of the left lens instead of the lower left.